Bergen County Broker

Marc Stein is a NJ Real Estate Broker at Links Real Estate and has expertise working for buyers and sellers throughout Bergen County, NJ.  Contact him today and see what he can do for you. or (201) 522 9733.

Insights on Current Trends in the Real Estate Market


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ImageOver the past few months the local real estate market has been busy. There are many new buyers on the market, which is bringing the home inventory down. At the same time, the recent increase in interest rates means that buyers may not be able to afford as much as they could 6 months ago. While the banks seem to be lending to buyers with decent credit and a steady income, it’s important for buyers to consider the possibility that their buying power has been weakened and they may need to adjust their price point and strategy accordingly.

While these changes are starting to shift the market in favor of the seller, sellers needs to realize that this is only the beginning, and as we all know, trends in the real estate industry can change quickly and drastically. Sellers still need to price their houses competitively in order to stay ahead in the local market.

What’s the bottom line? We are at the beginning of an upward trend in the market. Houses are selling and prices are starting to increase. As long as the buying demand rises, so will asking prices.

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Planning a Late Summer Vacation? Protect your home while you’re away


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Beach with smiling sunThe end of August is the perfect time to plan a late summer getaway. Rates are lower and prime vacation spots are less crowded as most people are gearing up for the new school year.

BUT the last thing you want to worry about on a vacation is whether your home is protected while you’re away. Follow these 5 simple steps to keep your most valuable asset safe!

#1 Hold the Mail
A pile-up of mail and old newspapers outside your house is a dead giveaway to an intruder that no one is home. Just visit for simple instructions on putting your mail delivery on hold until you return.

#2 Turn on a Light 
Leave on a few interior and exterior lights to give the impression that someone is home. If you don’t want to leave lights on the whole time you’re away, set them on timers. Remember the scene in Home Alone where Kevin fools the burglars into thinking he’s having a holiday party? Use that for inspiration.

#3 Mind the Yard
Secure all your lawn and patio furniture. Who knows what the weather will be like while you’re away and you certainly don’t want your new grill to end up down the block due to some windy weather.

#4 Clean out the Fridge and Pantry
Few people I know enjoy coming home to a foul smelling fridge or ants in the cabinet. Just take a few minutes to clean them out from any opened food packages or items that might spoil while your gone.

#5 Unplug small appliances and electronics
Unplugging small electronics will save on energy costs and will help avoid a fire in the event of a power surge. Things like your toaster, hot water urn, and laptop computers should not be left on while you’re away.

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